Monday, September 24, 2007

A Movie For Thought

Check this movie out girls and guys, "The Road to Guantanamo" it is a true documentary with the actually people involved. I am going to try and get Les to show it on movie night :)

Matthew George

Monday, September 17, 2007


Check out a whack of neat quotes....

What is the relationship between...

Power and Freedom?

Power and Choice?

Freedom and Choice?

Facts and Opinions?

Power and Reality?

Chew on those for a while...:)


Wednesday, September 5, 2007


...nothing yet?

I guess I didn't push you hard enough today.:)

Did you know that it was Evan's B day today?

Sneaky guy didn't say a word...

Is knowing his birthday a source of power over him...or subjects you to power from him?

Somebody said knowledge is power? Is this knowledge power?



Welcome to the Power Course Blog

Welcome my fellow power lovers.

We are the people who have a sick twisted fascination with power.

Be it control, influence or seduction we want to know more...and more and more and more...:)

This is the place for Power Course students or anyone else to post thoughts and ideas about Power. This is the place to test out your ideas. Challenge other peoples ideas.

It is a place to think out loud.

Post pictures or movies or links to cool power stuff.

Good posts are eligible for the bonus marks for power discoveries.

Let's have some fun with this.

The blog can be visited anytine with the address

And you can post by signing in as

with the password


Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

Send the link to your friends and encourage them to post and ask questions.

Please post your questions here as they come up.

Les will not be answering questions for a little while. Unless he answers it with another question :)

There will be lots of that.

Talk soon