Monday, September 29, 2008

Unknown blogger

The last blog about power demonstration was written by Spenser Hunter-Bechard

Thursdays class

The thurdays class was a great demontstration of power. Showing that doug the security guard could controll the class by not letting anyone enter the class. I really had me thinking what was going on. Finally when we were aloud to enter the class the way the room was structured and the look on lesses face really showed that he had the power of the class. This was a great power class really made me think that power surrounds us all the time even when we don't know it.

Thursdays Class

I thought Thursdays class with the security guard controlling us outside in the hall way, and Les telling us where to sit and what we could only have at our desk was some what intimidating, and just showed some way control can be used

Ryan Ondercin

Thursday Class

Last Thursdays class was a really good one. The entire set up was done real well Les, you picked a good security guard who played his role to a T. And you controled us well.

It's good to experience control again, it shows how high school and public school were so controlled by authority. All the faculty had the power to tell us how to learn and how to act. Being at college is nice because we are giving the work but we have the power and freedom to do it how we please. Yes we have due dates and marking scheems but we have a lot more freedom now. We are now guided by professors instead of told how to do everything. The freedom to think and do work is a good one and as a student it is nice to have.

Craig Williams


This is a quote I read in a magazine earlier this morning

Power can be taken, but not given. The process of the taking is empowerment in itself.

Ryan Hiepleh

Thursday class

I thought thursdays class was a little intimidating with the security guard standing outside the doorway and when les was ordering everyone where to sit.

Ryan Hiepleh

Sunday, September 21, 2008


This is a Quote form the book pocket Positives for our times.

I didn't belong as a kid,
and that always bothered me.
If only I'd known that one day
my differentness would be an asset;
then my early life would have been
much easier.

~Bette Midler
American Singer and Comedian


Monday, September 15, 2008

New look at 911

If anyone took real interest in Les's speech on last week, try reading the novel "The Conviction of Georrge W. Bush". This book highlights many of Bush's key moments in command and lets you really know how many laws he has broken, and the number of deaths he has caused.

Craig W

Movie on the weekend

les i took your advice and watched the Matrix in a different way the i would usually watch it. And i agree that if you watch how each character is influenced by power it changes the movie for sure..

Ryan Hiepleh

Craig W

Last weeks seminar really got me thinking, and the comment about the Giver was a good one. The giver was a lot like that lecture because of the way they had to recreate society. By recreating society you can name anything you want what you want. So who really says that Les even brought an apple to class?


Ryan Hiepleh

I thought that movie last week was awesome. It was interesting how "Harry" had so much influence and changed the school completely.

Another great movie

The seminar last week made me think of the movie Zeitgeist. It's a pretty spectacular documentary, and you can watch it online. Just go to to check it out. It's full of details that "They" don't want you to know. You'll never look at the world the same way!

A word of caution, the first part is a little tough to get through if you don't follow any sort of religion, but the second part is dynamite.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Vantage Point

This movie is amazing full of surprises that get you to ask questions. 8 strangers. 8 points of view. But only 1 truth. Full of power dynamics between the cast and the plot just get better and better right though till the end.
“Vantage Point is a mind bending political action-thriller”

When i first watch this movie i didn't fully understand it but the second time around things became clearer. And it open my eyes of what could possible happen when power takes over your mind for the worse and for the better. If you are looking for some fast action and a power story line of world politics this movie is for you.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

What should you believe?

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.

The Buddha

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Crazy movie

I just wanted to let you know about this awesome movie that has a lot of shifts of power,control, manipulation, and all that fun stuff. I had a hard time finding it in all stores but i have a copy now and it is worth seeing for sure. It's called 'Freeway' and it has Kieffer sutherland and some other people you will recognize. Check it out!!!

Good movie

A movie with a lot of interesting power dynamics is 'The Quiet'. It's a little bit racy at times, and it may confuse the heck out of you, but it's a great movie. Especially for those of us who are a little bit cracked, right Les???

Plus, you get to see Elisha Cuthbert parading around in a cheerleader uniform. Down, boys!

Here's a synopsis from
Following the death of her father, a teenage Dot moves into the home of her godparents and their teenage daughter Nina. Dot arrives wrapped up in the silence of being deaf-mute. She finds a different kind of silence waiting for her in her new home, for this home is a place with a dark secret involving Nina and her father. At first, Dot and Nina seem to be polar opposites. However, they gradually realize how much they have in common. Bringing them together catalyzes a series of events in which both reveal their secrets and shed their double lives. A violent consummation almost destroys them. Yet they find hope for the future in the quiet after the storm.


Monday, September 8, 2008

I remembered this episode of Scrubs that has a good example of power in it. You'll have to watch the whole episode in order to understand it. The episode is in Season 6, and the episode is called "His Story IV(4)"



Another good movie thats a lot like Pump Up the Volume is Charlie Bartlett.

see I told you it worked

Friday, September 5, 2008

This is a test

I am just making sure the blog is working -

so c'mon folks post those ideas for bonus marks...
