Sunday, November 30, 2008


I must agree, its hard to just pick one song that means a lot to you. Everyone has songs they enjoy at different times. The class was a very enjoyable one though.



Music makes the world go round. I really enjoyed Thursday's class. Everyone's choice of songs were great. Really hard to pick just one song...I think I had 12 at one point. Good job everyone. Great tunes!

Les...what would your Power song be?


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Proposition 8

I'm absolutely appalled that Prop 8 actually passed. As I mentioned in class on Thursday, it just seems so bizzare. Why all the blind hatred? It just makes me sick.
How fitting, though, that the more I read about it in the paper and online, the more I'm beginning to understand the real power dynamic behind it. Arnie, the Republican governor of California, is working in a Democratic state. "They" see the country feeling empowered with the rise of Obama, so they strike where they can. The GLBT community is an easy target once "They" get the ignorant "Christians" behind them. The GLBT community wants the right to get married if they so wish, so "They" strike fear into the hearts of the "Christians" who want to preserve the sanctity of marriage, and together they take away that right. Now "They" have the power once again.
I have the feeling this will turn into a journal, I just thought I'd share this with everyone else since it makes me so sick. Hopefully I'm not the only one. Also hope the multitude of pronouns didn't confuse you! ;)

Down with Prop 8!