Saturday, March 13, 2010

Movie Suggestion

I wanted to suggest a movie for Monday night.
It is a sci-fi movie called "Dune" that's based on a book by Frank Herbert.
It has it all drugs, violence and a ton of power dynamics between the characters, not to mention an appearance by Sting (the musician).

Nada Isles

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Power of Money

Hello Friends,
For anyone who was in today's class (Wednesday March 10) I have a really good movie (in my opinion) That would really sum up what we talked about. That movie is called Into the Wild. I think we maybe watching that movie soon in class, but I am not positive.
This movie is all about a journey for something more. It definitely has a strong emphasis on the mechanics of money and how it plays in our society.

-Paul E Emerson