Sunday, April 14, 2013

Ethics of pay with athletes

Athletes are paid millions of dollars in order to play sports professionally which some people would say is a “waste of money” when you consider what they are doing which is playing a sport.  People who think this way believe in Rewarding merit, and believe that doctors and teacher should be paid more than athletes however I tend to differ for 3 main reasons: source of pay, how they are viewed, and distance from family

Source of pay
Athletes get paid from a privatized organization who receives the money from us the viewer’s tuning in to watch them do what they do best. Doctors and teachers tend to get their pay from the government through us physically from paying taxes and although a lot of people would like to see careers like that get more pay, not likely they would want to pay more to witness it happen

How they are viewed
With professional athletes they are under a microscope 50% of the time and the better they are that rate increases. Professionals are seen to be role models whether they like it or not so they have to be on their best behaviour, while other professions don’t always have to be on their best behaviours they are allowed to have bad days emotionally because society won’t see they most of the times.

Distance(family time)
As a professional athlete you’re always traveling and rarely ever have time for your family, I believe the pay reflects the fact that since you can never be with your family it’s still lets you contribute to them by making sure they are financially stable. Although nothing can replace the fact that you can’t be there for them all the time you can financially set up ways to compensate for some of the time missed.

Brandon Chambers Fridays 8 am

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Powerless public

Hello there... long time.
So as I was sitting her thinking of of what the heck to write about as I listened to my Ipod. Then a song came on that i thought would be perfect, and that people might not have heard. It called Hand's Held High, by linkin park

it is about the power the government has over the public, and the public becoming feed up and revolting... seriously
check it out,

Cory Petrie

Power of Greed

Hey guys me again...

So I was looking through youtube and found this great video on greed. This is a movie about how a man who has nothingand seems to be a good man is changed by money, and greed.
Check it out great vid

Cory Petrie

The Rock

hey guys,

I watched what I consider this to be classic movie again today, "The Rock."
You may have heard of it, or seen it. It is a movie about alcatraz prison, and a "terrorist attack."
And it got me thinking as I watched... from start to finish this movie is about a power struggle.
-On one side you have the "terrorists" - a group of ex marines, and army with weapons and missiles trying to get what they want, or will blow up innoccent citizens
-On the other side is the Governement of the USA - never giving into the terrorist, and trying to maintain "Control" of the situation
-The third party in this movie is a bio chemist, being minipulated and controled by the Government who is told he is helping and is needed for the good of the nation
-The fourth party in this movie is a Prisoner, who is also being used by the governemtn to try and stop the terriorist... execpt this isnt your ordanary prisoner, this guy was the only guy to escape from alcatraz prison, and is so hated by the US government, that he falls under the "Doesnt even exist" catigory.

Listne I am not very good at desribing movies, but if you like action movies, this is a must see. Watch and enjoy the power struggle

The Rock - With nik Cage, Sean Connery Ed Harris.. great movie!

Cory Petrie

Control is an illusion

hey guys,

So when we first started talking about control in class I thought I knew all about it.
I thought about minipulation, suduction and coercion.
I thought about when a parent trys to control their child. When a girlfriend trys to control a boyfriend (usually succeeding), but as the course went on I became aware that control doesnt exist, and that we are in constaint pursuit of something that can never be attand.
I started to look and see how in so many cases control was the desired outcome that would never be achieved.

Not a word of a lie, when I realized that control was an illusion, a quote from a movie I saw 10 years ago popped into my head. Now that i think about it, this is by far the best control quote I know of.

Dr. Claire Lewicki to Cole Trickel: "Control is an illusion, you infantile egomaniac. Nobody knows what's gonna happen next: not on a freeway, not in an airplane, not inside our own bodies and certainly not on a racetrack with 40 other infantile egomaniacs."

Days of Thunder - 1990, before Tom Cruz ego got to big lol.

Toughts on control?

Cory Petrie

Last question

This is my last question of the course:

Who has more power, the government or the richest men in the world?
I would say the richest men because they do what they want, they have monopolies and the government allows it and also they give them money before and after the elections.
What do you think Less?

Carlos Jimenez

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Influence people in 5minutes

This video explains us how to win friends in 5 minutes or less. He uses the methods of Dale Carnegie. He mentioned that you just need to do 9 steps before you act with a person and it will help you to win friends.

I personally agree with some of the steps, specially with the first step. (don´t complain)