Sunday, October 10, 2010

Choice and Anti-Choice

Hi All,

I figured I would get around to a blog post days to here I am. I wished to put out a really interesting story guised with many superheroes and villains from the DC universe (Batman/Superman etc.) and wanted to inform you all of a really neat event that took place some years ago; this has roots in power I promise! Anyway this event was called the Final Crisis a reordering of the comic DC universe itself where a few big name heroes actually ended up dying and breaking their one rule (not to kill) in order to combat a massive threat. This threat was the one and only Darkseid. Now obviously most of you likely do not know what this dude is all about; in summary he is pure unadulterated evil and as such is as close to a physical representation to power as I have ever seen; he thrives on corruption and his only goal is total domination and subjugation of the whole universe. Now this is where it becomes really interesting; you see he has always had a goal in life to find this mythical thing called the “Anti-Life” equation (based on the fact in this comic universe that there is a “Life” equation). Now one would assume that this equation would be some type of death beam or other type of weapon that is capable of obliterating life, well its not it actually obliterates the power of “Choice!”

Yes the ultimate power of the DC universe is Choice, Darkseid uses this equation to infect the Earth to the point where all who exist on the planet become an extension of his will. To me this means that he has the ultimate power, there is no choice, no happiness, no sadness, no power between individuals (if they can even be called that). As it says in the comics, when all is one in Darkseid, there is only peace, there is only order, but above all there is only Darkseid. –Wonder Woman (Leader of the Female Furies in Darkseids army).

To Summarize the Anti-Life equation was actually an Anti-Choice equation and basically its point was that if there was no choice in the universe there would be no life. I just thought the whole thing was interesting also Batman’s Finest hour is here, okay I think I’ve let my nerd show enough :P.

Oh here's Darkseids Wiki
And an overveiw of Final Crisis:
If you want to read it in its entirety look at torrent sites.


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