Monday, December 13, 2010

Wrap Up

Hey classmates,
So just wanted to make a final post on here thanking everyone for their insights through the class on power. I certainly learned a lot from the course. Today I find that my life has become a bit simpler. I've slowed down and I recognize moments of power and I find myself actually pondering what matters and what's important. I don't lash out to create power dynamics as much anymore. It's really crazy to look back at my notes and see what we were all saying at the beginning of the course and how far we have come and how we see power and can reverse it to use it back against people or to neutralize it. Every time I watch movies now I am thinking of the power dynamics between characters (thanks Les) and analyzing everything. I was watching Law abiding Citizen the other day and that is some crazy power. Anyone who hasn't watched it should certainly take a night to watch it.

I wish everyone the best of luck in their relationships within their lives and I hope this course has helped everyone as it has helped me. If you ever have time to read Les's book I highly recommend it. I have started it and it's just elaborating on everything he's taught us throughout the course. Power will always be evident but it can be positive. I'm working to be a better person and less of a control freak.


1 comment:

The Power Blog said...

How can I read the book??
