Monday, January 24, 2011

Power Part 1

Power Part 1
Power- In class this week we were discussing the definition of power, and how we felt one could attain power. Here are my thoughts on power.
I think that power is something that is within all of us; something that cannot be taken away or given to any one person. Power is the decision making process within all of us. It can be used to the most extreme measures or buried within to never show.
Power is often confused with authority, and leadership. Many people believe that if someone can tell a group of people what they have to do, or what has to be done, then that person has power. Some say that people are born with power; that some people are just natural born leaders, who take control in every situation, and are meant to hold a role of power. Some see this in others, and the others see this in themselves. Some people take on this role for themselves, and enjoy and thrive in this position. Others leave the role of a leader or authoritative figure for another.
I feel this to be incorrect. No one person has to listen to another. Every person has the right, and the obligation to themselves to make their own decisions and choose their own path. You cannot stop someone telling you what to do; however every person has the choice of whether to do what they’re told or do what they believe should be done. To do what one is told, and mindlessly go through life in a followers role is the voluntary forfeit of one’s own power.
Power is within us all. Power is not authority, ability, or strength. Power is what you make it out to be. Power is the thoughts that shape who we are, the decisions we make throughout our lives. Power is looking back and realizing mistakes we’ve made in the past. Power is changing our own mind, and not being influenced by others, pressure or the masses. Power is thinking ahead, and making decisions for the future. Power is to learn. Power is... Power is... Power is... Power is whatever you want it to be...

Cory Petrie

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