Thursday, December 4, 2008


Hey, just wanted to say that one of your questions today.. do you think there is always a power dynamic associated with being a parent?... I feel that the power dynamic of parents and children does not last forever, i feel like when the child reaches an age where they live independently that power dynamic begins to go away. When I was young I felt much more of a power dynamic with my parents but now that I live away from home and do almost everything for myself that power dynamic has deminished.
However, I see the parental power dynamic in my grandmother and my dad. For Christmas this year my Dad just wanted to hang out at home with just our immediate family and not go to the big family function. My grandmother threw a huge fit about how 'when she is dead my dad can miss christmas but not until then, and that he and the rest of us have to go to the big party because it will really hurt her if we don't ' and just because my dad feels so bad about hurting her feelings ( the power in love? )now we are going to the family function she wants.

Impressed Les? I actually talked about something maybe relevant to power!
P.S im coming to your office tommorrow to get the sheet for that essay, i forgot today.

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