Sunday, January 31, 2010

Not sure if anyone has seen these video's before but they describe and break-down certain power sources perfectly. Also valuable insight if you are unsure on what has merit and what is trickery. Very interesting and informative.

Great information and opens your mind to an alternative view to the mass majority of society.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Best Power Example I Know

Hi Guys,

This is my first time blogging, so I'm going to to keep it lite.

I wanted to share with you one of the best examples of power I could think of, and the example is: the 1960's television show "the Prisoner".

A man who has recently resigned from a position in the government espionage division (think if James Bond quit), wakes up one day in his bed, in his apartment, and he opens the curtains to reveal that he is actually in a room designed to look like his. This room is in "The Village", a picturesque town thats built on a loop so no roads ever take you out, where people are not known by name but instead by number (our guy is number 6), and that the person who appears to be in charge is number 2. We soon learn "The Village" is a prison for people with valuable information, and that the reason for numbers is so that you aren't aware which people are fellow prisoners and which are parts of a clever plot to exert your ever-valuable information...

What to Expect to see:
A dated television show that you've already seen elements of in loads of other pop-culture; this show has it's influence everwhere... talk about power :)

One of the most original shows you've ever seen, especially the episode "Schizoid Man".

More examples of power dynamics including control than the Matrix.

Where to Find it:
For rent at "Have You Seen" on Aylmer st. in Peterborough

To avoid the risk of being called a spammer... you guys know how to use Google to find streaming & downloading sites already... go find one.


So what is "The Village?"... Who wants this information, for what do they want it?... and just who is number 1?...

Tune in to find out,

Ryan Smith

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The power is us.

Currently fellow, Power Course member we are in one of the largest power dynamics happening,we are the mesh in a possible labour dispute.We are smack dab and the middle of the union,teachers,the college,and of course the provincial government. The same part of the government that is funding most of us,so the union swings us out as the carrot at the end of the stick letting the government know that if the outcome is not in their favor,that they (the government) will have us to deal with.For those of us in our graduating semester this is oh my god time what will I do if I can't graduate I can't pay my loans (to the government)I can't find a job what will I do?
To be fair the teachers have given us assurances that everything will be done to allow for us to complete our courses.As good a gesture as this is there is still that feeling of uncertainty.OK so here's the next dynamic we are all voters in this province and you got to think that our government dose not want us to be unhappy with them ...again... so think about it we're just a big carrot out there swinging in the wind both sides hoping we can do something to swing the power their way..Ya this was a bit of a rant but I'm better now..till next time.
Russ Craggs.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Turned On Your Ear

As someone, somewhere once said (it may have been me just now)- power is insidious; power is present all around us. The dynamics of power exist in the minutae and the immaculate in everything in our society and in nature around us.

This example comes from a microeconomics lecture held in B519 today. It seems that RT enjoys tormenting his child in reprisal for himself being tormented- although RT puts on a valiant effort, it appears that he will never be dominant in the constant struggle for power between himself and his daughter. For instance, there was a case involving a talking dog- the event was peppered with wails from the daughter of 'daddy, I wanttttt thhhhattttttt!' repeatedly, in such a manner as to be draining on the mental and emotional faculties of RT, and anyone else in earshot.

Eventually, RT purchased the talking toy dog for his daughter in an attempt to make the wailing stop. This immediate goal was accomplished- and a day later, RT's daughter tired of the talking dog and became disinterested in its continued existence.

RT's response was to take the toy dog someplace remote... and batter it into submission with a hammer.

Score for this round? Daughter 2, RT 0.

Although, the judges did award a bonus point for the attempt to recoup power lost through the precise, calculated application of violence... against a toy dog. One can only hope that the batteries did not explode in the midst of the pummeling (some, though not I, may have called this karma).

-Paul Austin-Menear