Thursday, January 14, 2010

The power is us.

Currently fellow, Power Course member we are in one of the largest power dynamics happening,we are the mesh in a possible labour dispute.We are smack dab and the middle of the union,teachers,the college,and of course the provincial government. The same part of the government that is funding most of us,so the union swings us out as the carrot at the end of the stick letting the government know that if the outcome is not in their favor,that they (the government) will have us to deal with.For those of us in our graduating semester this is oh my god time what will I do if I can't graduate I can't pay my loans (to the government)I can't find a job what will I do?
To be fair the teachers have given us assurances that everything will be done to allow for us to complete our courses.As good a gesture as this is there is still that feeling of uncertainty.OK so here's the next dynamic we are all voters in this province and you got to think that our government dose not want us to be unhappy with them ...again... so think about it we're just a big carrot out there swinging in the wind both sides hoping we can do something to swing the power their way..Ya this was a bit of a rant but I'm better now..till next time.
Russ Craggs.

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