Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Turned On Your Ear

As someone, somewhere once said (it may have been me just now)- power is insidious; power is present all around us. The dynamics of power exist in the minutae and the immaculate in everything in our society and in nature around us.

This example comes from a microeconomics lecture held in B519 today. It seems that RT enjoys tormenting his child in reprisal for himself being tormented- although RT puts on a valiant effort, it appears that he will never be dominant in the constant struggle for power between himself and his daughter. For instance, there was a case involving a talking dog- the event was peppered with wails from the daughter of 'daddy, I wanttttt thhhhattttttt!' repeatedly, in such a manner as to be draining on the mental and emotional faculties of RT, and anyone else in earshot.

Eventually, RT purchased the talking toy dog for his daughter in an attempt to make the wailing stop. This immediate goal was accomplished- and a day later, RT's daughter tired of the talking dog and became disinterested in its continued existence.

RT's response was to take the toy dog someplace remote... and batter it into submission with a hammer.

Score for this round? Daughter 2, RT 0.

Although, the judges did award a bonus point for the attempt to recoup power lost through the precise, calculated application of violence... against a toy dog. One can only hope that the batteries did not explode in the midst of the pummeling (some, though not I, may have called this karma).

-Paul Austin-Menear

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