Sunday, March 20, 2011

Book – The Giver Author Lois Lowry

A controlled society
This book is a short novel that tells a story about a community that is control by the Giver. This man controls the society, so no one feels pain, hunger, hatred, or illness. He also controls certain needs and emotions. There is no prejudice for every one looks basically the same. He controls the family’s size by only allowing one girl and one boy per family and also who each one spouse will be, but the children are born by a birth mother and assigned to each family. Every one is studied closely and found a spot in society. If they could not be integrated into the society that was created and control so well they were released. With out giving the book away I will only say this The Giver and the controlled society doesn’t allow for choice. The people in this society have never experienced choice making or suffering and there for can not appreciate the true joy of life.
I have added the link for the overview of the book. This book is a keeper and is shared in the elementary libraries of schools every where and is implemented in the curriculum as well.
Connie Ghattas

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