Thursday, March 17, 2011

Policing the G20

As we all or mostly know, during summer of 2010, Toronto played host to the G20 summit. More or less the leaders of the 20 most powerful economy's gathering behind closed doors. And we all know there were protests, we also know there was a police clash with the protesters, but... did the police use their 930 Million of the 1.1 billion dollar budget correctly though.

as the so called "Black Bloc" was running rampent through the streets, causing vandelisim and destruction, there was nearly no police presance, and the small ammount that there was were ordered to retreat. they had about 16,000 police men on hand that weekend. this same weekend after the "Black Bloc" had retreated into the masses of the crowd, the police turned on the rest of the protesters, the peaceful ones, in increasingly more violent and demeaning ways. That weekend we witnessed what can happen if police are given total control, we witnessed the fall of rights and freedoms, if only for a short time.

Dont believe me??

Watch This -

Glenn M.

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