Saturday, March 19, 2011

Secret Societies –Bilderberg Group

Do they really exits or not?

This is an interesting question to ask you’re self. Do you feel that there is a more powerful government out there than the one we all see in everyday media? Even though, their existence is denied by many and is in great controversy, as whether they really are a secret society that shapes the world around us or not . It is said the group came into existence in 1954 just after the World War II with the most powerful men and women in the world. These men and women started meeting in a luxurious Hotel called the Bilderberg of a small Dutch town. It is said that at these meetings they debated the future of the world and to date meet once every year somewhere in the world plotting the silent takeover of constitutional government everywhere, and also to exchange ideas and analyze international affairs. With the goal in mind of New World Government order. On the flip side some say that the reason they meet in secrecy every year is because they don’t want the media involved, All though they can be present they must never publish the meeting in whole or in part . They say it allows the men and women in power a chance to discuss world issues without having the media twist what was being exchanged and this is why the great secrecy. But just to mention a few things about the Bilderbergs it is said that they are going to control the population. By the water we drink, aspartame, Additives, and the Flu vaccine will be said to be voluntary but its actually mandatory. Take a look at some of the other devastation's in the world is there a link. How do they come up with the names such as SARS, or the N1 H1, AVIAN Flu, Like really maybe its just me but I always felt that the virus' and different things we encounter world wide are made at government level. I could very well be wrong and that is why I encourage everyone who reads this to research the secret societies that exist and come up with your own conclusion. If nothing else it’s really good reading.
Connie Ghattas
Mar 18 2011

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