Monday, March 30, 2009


I think that although we can say that this class is interesting I think looking at what we have learnt and how it has impacted us that Power is a unique thing. Its always there for people to use and others to be used. I think that anyone can get power but it depends with our abilities to impact people's choices through Control,Influence and Seduction. By looking much deeper we are created to use it because if I have something that people want and need, I am the one who is Powerful.

To go much deeper I think maybe you should take five minutes to see the choices you have made in the past week and look if anyone was using power and what were your needs and which choices would you have taken. I think that some people have Power which needs to be unleashed but how will people take it. Looking at it many people aim for Power in many forms but Power is something that from now on is very hard to want when you see the subject's point of view.


Friday, March 27, 2009

Seduction: The Feminine Version of Warfare

So I took Jared's advice that he posted back in early February about visiting Robert Greene's site on seduction [] and took a look and read a speech by Robert Greene and got me thinking about seduction and it got to reframe somewhat on my idea of where seduction came from and what its purpose is. This is in specific regard to relationships.

Here's a quote from Greene's speech on seduction:

"Now, there are many things that differentiate us from the animal world, but for me one of the most significant differences is in the area of mating and reproduction. As you know, in the animal world, the female goes into heat at very distinct times of the year. And during this period the male and female of that species experience, undergo a kind of madness. They no longer concern themselves with getting food, hunting, or defending themselves. They become moody and violent. They engage in mating rituals that can actually be quite dangerous. And then, fortunately the female goes out of heat, this madness vanishes, and with it all desire or interest in sex, and the male and female return to their habits and routines. I say fortunately because if this period went on for much longer the animal would find it difficult to survive.

Now, as we all know, this is very different with humans. The female does not go into heat. And this has rather profound and drama consequences for us. What this means is that unlike with animals, for humans there is no division between sex and daily life, no period in the year, not even in the day, in which we are temporarily free from these desires. Instead, we are continually bombarded with sexual impulses, and these impulses and desires in humans are particularly strong, distracting and disruptive. Now, it may be hard for us to grasp this nowadays because we, or most of us at least, are civilized people, who early in childhood learned to control our natural drives, repress dangerous impulses. But for our primitive ancestors, this biological peculiarity of ours, namely that the female does not go into heat, presented a definite problem: how can you keep together any kind of group, tribe or clan, if there was anything like rampant promiscuity within your tribe? If the individual members of your group were constantly experiencing these sexual impulses and acting upon them, stirring up all kinds of antagonisms and conflicts and rivalries? In other words, if the madness that animals experience for only a few days in the years, were being experience day in and day out by the members of your tribe?

Well, fortunately for us, our primitive ancestors, over thousands of years, evolved a kind of solution to this dilemma. They created limits to human behavior, what we now call taboos. The first and primary taboo was that of incest: between a parent and a child, and then between a brother and a sister. Soon this was extended to the immediate relations, and then to the entire clan to which one belonged. And this expanded further and further, became more complicated until a point was reached in which a young man, for instance, could only have sexual relations with an extremely limited number of young girls within the tribe. And then, centuries later, came the institution of marriage and with it the taboo on adultery, thereby creating the ultimate restriction on sexual behavior, limiting you to one partner.

Now, all of this occurred over thousands of years and was unconscious on our part, but its purpose was clear. By creating this intricate network of sexual taboos, human sexual energy, which is so violent and disruptive, could be channeled into other activities—hunting, agriculture, the arts of civilization. If you could not dare have any sexual relations with 99% of the people you came in contact with, you quickly learned to repress these potent desires and sublimate this energy. This invention should not be underestimated..."

More on this topic later...


Thursday, March 26, 2009

AKA The Power of Positive Thinking

Article I Found...

You can attract anything into your life using your mind. The law of attraction says whatever you thought through out the day will hold its impact on your mind. Thought is so powerful that it converts into action and action into habit and habit into character and character into destiny.

How thoughts are formed? Thoughts are formed from sources of external world and internal interpretations and sources of good and bad. The thoughts formed from role models, leaders and people who created history and people who are successful and people who are celebrities.

The power of conscious thoughts will turn into unconscious and subconscious and they in turn drive us towards our goals, mission and destiny. For example, if one wants to become a Star/celebrity:

01. All his thoughts should be in selecting a role model
02. Adopting all role model’s qualities
03. How to think, act and become like his role model
04. Analyzing strengths , weaknesses and opportunities and threats (SWOT)
05. Thinking, acting and striving towards achieving the results.

This process applies to either good or bad thoughts, positive or negative thoughts. This is all depends on what type of people we are interacting with , what is our internal communication, what are our each and every thought , our self esteem and our peers, teachers , parents all will decide our thoughts , actions , habits and character .

Everything starts from a thought in our mind. Mind is the source which encourages us to do certain thing or not. To attract anything into our lives, we have to keep on thinking on the things we want most and repeating the thoughts until they become rock solid and act on them with full enthusiasm and make them real.

Careful study of thoughts, how they form and how we react to our thoughts and the impulses which influence us, the pause we take before we plunging into any unwanted acts which will affect us in the future will put us in right frame of mind and will always decide our destiny.

Listening to inner voice, thinking big and implementing all our thoughts in a disciplined manner will take us to new heights. So mind is the place which attracts everything into your life. All great people right from their childhood have thought towards their mission and destiny and their dogged determination, single minded focus , dedication, descipline helped them in reaching thier destiny.

It's the power of thought which is very important and crucial in our every day life.

...This article confirmed a few things for me, that Marketing and Power are one in the same thing and that's why some people have a negative outlook on Marketing. I guess figuring out how to get what you want is bad. I think it's awesome contrary to popular belief. I also just realized Les has never mentioned that he fully pursued any degree education that was called "Marketing", but he has studied Power for longer than I've been alive lol. (He took Sociology, religion and went to Law School I think for those of you that wonder what he did. Hence, Marketing & Power are essentially one in the same thing because their goals are to fulfill needs.

The other thing I confirmed is that The Law of Attraction is real, I used to pray so hard for things I wanted and once I prayed for them I would think "Since I prayed about it, it's going to come true" and I'd focus so hard on it that it'd come true. Like when I prayed back in highschool that the 4 most popular girls would end up having crushes on me at some point and they did, at some point as they all have confessed to me since. I subconsciously knew this, but I was too stunned to believe it actually worked.

Is that the purpose of Religion?



p.s. come to think of it, I read somewhere that prayer is like positive thinking if you think about it.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


This is probably up there with the most interesting thing we have learnt so far in Power. Information when do people use it and why do they use it and why you need it or not. I think that information creates many things that we do not consider.

Without Choice and need there is no Power we need to know what is going on with something and we have the choice to say no but our gut tells us that we need to know so that we do not live in suspense.

Power questions many things to which when you see it working it leaves traces of behind to which many people think that many people in the future will never know about something. Gosh this is a great class which makes you think so hard that of how Power works.

By Jared

Monday, March 23, 2009

So Far Gone...

I've started to realize somethings in my life as a result of this class that have helped me "take responsibility for my actions". Such an over-used saying, but I think most cliche sayings are called such because you can't express yourself better and as a result, they get used so much. This inevitably makes them lose their effectiveness over time despite their value.

Anyways, back on topic. Taking Responsibility For My Actions.

Before I talk about that, I just want to clarify what we've covered so far. If any of my peers feel I need to be correct me if I'm wrong, please do.

Kay..I really hope I don't confuse anyone with this we go...

Power is about choice. It is a tool you can use to either control, influence or seduce that choice. As

Les always says, when you think about Power, you should automatically think about Needs and Abilities. What I believe he means by this is that everybody is constantly trying to fulfill a need, a want, a desire.

As soon as we fulfill the said need, we look for ways to fulfill the next one. When we find someone or something that has the ability to fulfill our need, we are willing to fulfill their need to get what we want. Les also always says, whoever feels their need less in a power dynamic wins.

To Control is to have the ability to help or hinder a person in their quest to fulfill their need. This can affect the choices they make. (PUSH)

To Influence is to have the ability to show a person how they can fulfill their need. This can affect the choices they make. (POINT)

To Seduce is to have the ability to draw a person in by subtly displaying your ability to fulfill their need. This can affect the choices they make. (PULL)

With all this discussion of choices, this comes back to Radz taking responsibility for his actions. Everything that's going on in my life right now is a result of my choice to not act. To not actively be involved. Why? There was no need that I felt that I wanted to fulfill enough that would motivate me to get me out of my bed. And as a result of all my inaction, there is now a number of needs that I'm feeling very much that I need to fulfill. It all makes sense now why those who fail to plan, plan to fail lol.

On that note, I'd like to end with a quote about movtivation:

"Feeling un-motivated is what happens when you’re not really making conscious choices at all–you’re just responding mindlessly to various triggers in your environment, or operating on autopilot based on old habits and conditioned behavior."



Friday, March 20, 2009

Chess and Power

Looking at the game of chess and the power class I think that they are linked together. We have many things in class that are tied in the game that I feel are similar its interesting that when you put your thoughts together power is an interesting thing. I think comparing the pieces would be a challenging thing because which class is regarded the best and I think every class from the 1st week up to now I have been writing journals and thinking to myself wow Power is everywhere.
By Jared


I feel that power gives you many emotions that end up molding you into either a good person or a bad person. When you use it you know you are using it after taking this class. For me it feels bad makes me sad and sick I don't believe that power is good because I think that the subject is never in a win win situation. Gosh power is a sad experience? Or a great one.
By Jared

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

So far

This Class has been great so far and I think talking to fellow classmates we can all say that Power is an interesting Topic to talk about. We see how it works and how you can use it and looking at this class is so far the best class I have ever taken in my life.
By Jared

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Today was a great class to which I think maybe you can live without money. Think about it if you stay away from money and live of stuff around like fruits from trees around areas that will allow you pick them up. You can go and fish in some areas around the world that you do not need a fishing license. When everyone is growing up you have big dream to which you think about and they get funneled when you get older. When you have your first child you will have a different goal to which you had by being single. I think maybe you want to have $1000 000 when you are single but when you have a child and you look them up in their eyes and touch their hand even if you only have a $1 that happiness has no value to it. I think Love is very strong and painful to experience. When you get to have the chance to love someone and when you argue and end up hating that person because of how they acted and when that person cries in front of you its something messed up. Relationships I think that build on power I don't think you can ever have one without Power but what if you resist power in a relationship is it possible. Is Love a need or want?

Who knows

If we do not have any authority in our lives can we be still behave the way we want ?
By Jared

Fear a Catalyst

Looking at it is Fear the biggest problem why people do not use power. Think about it we do not want to hurt any one's feelings because we are good people but at the same time we hate it when people end up using power towards us. We hate being the subject but sometimes we love being the actor. Is power fair and which ever answer we would chose are we willing to live with what power has to give sadness happiness or can power be something we can never use?
By Jared

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Interesting Person
By Jared

Spiritual Power
By Jared

Thursday, March 12, 2009

By Jared

Great Person
By Jared

Song on Authority
By Jared

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I think that Authority is a funny thing that we think we hate but we have been molded to be apart of it by willing to do it without choosing to do anything to avoid it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Albert Einstein Quote

I saw this on the net and I think that it relates to what we were talking about.
To punish me for my contempt for authority, fate made me an authority myself.

Monday, March 2, 2009

What If?

One of these I was thinking that is it wrong to want power so that you can empower others in the process. For example I would want to start a company in Africa where it ends being a corporation. This corporation would look at going to poor areas and giving people employment. It would try to give people access to clean water, electricity and health care. With reducing poverty we can have people having ideas to which they can unleash their entrepreneurial ideas and make choices so that they can pave the way for people in the future. With this more people can aim to help people who suffer and that will make Africa richer not only in money but in spirit. Just something I was thinking about.
By Jared