Monday, March 23, 2009

So Far Gone...

I've started to realize somethings in my life as a result of this class that have helped me "take responsibility for my actions". Such an over-used saying, but I think most cliche sayings are called such because you can't express yourself better and as a result, they get used so much. This inevitably makes them lose their effectiveness over time despite their value.

Anyways, back on topic. Taking Responsibility For My Actions.

Before I talk about that, I just want to clarify what we've covered so far. If any of my peers feel I need to be correct me if I'm wrong, please do.

Kay..I really hope I don't confuse anyone with this we go...

Power is about choice. It is a tool you can use to either control, influence or seduce that choice. As

Les always says, when you think about Power, you should automatically think about Needs and Abilities. What I believe he means by this is that everybody is constantly trying to fulfill a need, a want, a desire.

As soon as we fulfill the said need, we look for ways to fulfill the next one. When we find someone or something that has the ability to fulfill our need, we are willing to fulfill their need to get what we want. Les also always says, whoever feels their need less in a power dynamic wins.

To Control is to have the ability to help or hinder a person in their quest to fulfill their need. This can affect the choices they make. (PUSH)

To Influence is to have the ability to show a person how they can fulfill their need. This can affect the choices they make. (POINT)

To Seduce is to have the ability to draw a person in by subtly displaying your ability to fulfill their need. This can affect the choices they make. (PULL)

With all this discussion of choices, this comes back to Radz taking responsibility for his actions. Everything that's going on in my life right now is a result of my choice to not act. To not actively be involved. Why? There was no need that I felt that I wanted to fulfill enough that would motivate me to get me out of my bed. And as a result of all my inaction, there is now a number of needs that I'm feeling very much that I need to fulfill. It all makes sense now why those who fail to plan, plan to fail lol.

On that note, I'd like to end with a quote about movtivation:

"Feeling un-motivated is what happens when you’re not really making conscious choices at all–you’re just responding mindlessly to various triggers in your environment, or operating on autopilot based on old habits and conditioned behavior."



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