Friday, March 27, 2009

Seduction: The Feminine Version of Warfare

So I took Jared's advice that he posted back in early February about visiting Robert Greene's site on seduction [] and took a look and read a speech by Robert Greene and got me thinking about seduction and it got to reframe somewhat on my idea of where seduction came from and what its purpose is. This is in specific regard to relationships.

Here's a quote from Greene's speech on seduction:

"Now, there are many things that differentiate us from the animal world, but for me one of the most significant differences is in the area of mating and reproduction. As you know, in the animal world, the female goes into heat at very distinct times of the year. And during this period the male and female of that species experience, undergo a kind of madness. They no longer concern themselves with getting food, hunting, or defending themselves. They become moody and violent. They engage in mating rituals that can actually be quite dangerous. And then, fortunately the female goes out of heat, this madness vanishes, and with it all desire or interest in sex, and the male and female return to their habits and routines. I say fortunately because if this period went on for much longer the animal would find it difficult to survive.

Now, as we all know, this is very different with humans. The female does not go into heat. And this has rather profound and drama consequences for us. What this means is that unlike with animals, for humans there is no division between sex and daily life, no period in the year, not even in the day, in which we are temporarily free from these desires. Instead, we are continually bombarded with sexual impulses, and these impulses and desires in humans are particularly strong, distracting and disruptive. Now, it may be hard for us to grasp this nowadays because we, or most of us at least, are civilized people, who early in childhood learned to control our natural drives, repress dangerous impulses. But for our primitive ancestors, this biological peculiarity of ours, namely that the female does not go into heat, presented a definite problem: how can you keep together any kind of group, tribe or clan, if there was anything like rampant promiscuity within your tribe? If the individual members of your group were constantly experiencing these sexual impulses and acting upon them, stirring up all kinds of antagonisms and conflicts and rivalries? In other words, if the madness that animals experience for only a few days in the years, were being experience day in and day out by the members of your tribe?

Well, fortunately for us, our primitive ancestors, over thousands of years, evolved a kind of solution to this dilemma. They created limits to human behavior, what we now call taboos. The first and primary taboo was that of incest: between a parent and a child, and then between a brother and a sister. Soon this was extended to the immediate relations, and then to the entire clan to which one belonged. And this expanded further and further, became more complicated until a point was reached in which a young man, for instance, could only have sexual relations with an extremely limited number of young girls within the tribe. And then, centuries later, came the institution of marriage and with it the taboo on adultery, thereby creating the ultimate restriction on sexual behavior, limiting you to one partner.

Now, all of this occurred over thousands of years and was unconscious on our part, but its purpose was clear. By creating this intricate network of sexual taboos, human sexual energy, which is so violent and disruptive, could be channeled into other activities—hunting, agriculture, the arts of civilization. If you could not dare have any sexual relations with 99% of the people you came in contact with, you quickly learned to repress these potent desires and sublimate this energy. This invention should not be underestimated..."

More on this topic later...


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