Saturday, February 7, 2009

Looking at Les website I looked at the seven questions it made me think a lot. The first one was where do I start? when did Power start, and did humans start it or was it before humans were there. This first question looks at Absolute truth. Control is an illusion. It has another interesting and that it says The only thing we control is how we respond to the circumstance. So does Choice always have to be factor for someone to control you. Does that mean it can only be response driven? Yes because when we are being controlled we are reacting towards that which is controlling us. This section was looking at Feeling. The second question is what is the source of power? The source of power is in the need within the subject. I think that when you have power others like you will want it. If there is not need then power can not exist. The needs of ones self are experienced as requirements , desires and attachments. Needs are complex , compounding and competing. The third one What is the power dynamic? Power is about the control, influence or seduction of that choice. The actor has a need the subject can impact. I think this part looks at relationships. The actor sees the subject as a part of the circumstance they must respond to. To create Power the actor identifies the needs of the subject. The actor applies a mechanism of Power to help or hinder the satisfaction of the subjects need. The subject experiences feelings of Power- Control, Influence or seduction. The subject experiences feelings of motivation. FEAR ANGER OR EXCITEMENT and we have seen these three for the past two weeks to which we had a situation which occurred before class for us to use as reference. You can see what power is like and maybe it will open up your eyes and see that we have all been powerful in our lives but people have also had power over us. Just like the needs that create it, Power Dynamics are complex , compounding and competing. The subject responds with a choice. The fourth one What is my need? Identify your operating needs. All of them. Look to your feeling. Control, influence and seduction Fear, Anger and excitement. look to the mechanisms they are using. Is it directed at you or someone else? Does it help or hinder? Is it actual or potential? The fifth one Why are they using Power? This is because they have a need. All Power Dynamics are Bipolar. They are driven by two sets of needs. So, what is their need? State their need. State the whole Dynamic. State it out loud. The sixth What are my choices?. I can comply resist or withdraw. I have overcome. I have choices I can make a choice. I now have power. The last one Where do we go from here? Two questions which are hard to answer, my point of view is Can we both get what we want? Can we work together in open honesty? All in all I think that Les has a good case and can Power be good or bad. I love influence because it is the most incredible out of all of them. Many people Have died for it Lincoln, Kennedy, Ghandi and Lennon all because of influence. So then if I was to ask is Power a good thing????
By Jared

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