Thursday, April 21, 2011

Powerless public

Hello there... long time.
So as I was sitting her thinking of of what the heck to write about as I listened to my Ipod. Then a song came on that i thought would be perfect, and that people might not have heard. It called Hand's Held High, by linkin park

it is about the power the government has over the public, and the public becoming feed up and revolting... seriously
check it out,

Cory Petrie

Power of Greed

Hey guys me again...

So I was looking through youtube and found this great video on greed. This is a movie about how a man who has nothingand seems to be a good man is changed by money, and greed.
Check it out great vid

Cory Petrie

The Rock

hey guys,

I watched what I consider this to be classic movie again today, "The Rock."
You may have heard of it, or seen it. It is a movie about alcatraz prison, and a "terrorist attack."
And it got me thinking as I watched... from start to finish this movie is about a power struggle.
-On one side you have the "terrorists" - a group of ex marines, and army with weapons and missiles trying to get what they want, or will blow up innoccent citizens
-On the other side is the Governement of the USA - never giving into the terrorist, and trying to maintain "Control" of the situation
-The third party in this movie is a bio chemist, being minipulated and controled by the Government who is told he is helping and is needed for the good of the nation
-The fourth party in this movie is a Prisoner, who is also being used by the governemtn to try and stop the terriorist... execpt this isnt your ordanary prisoner, this guy was the only guy to escape from alcatraz prison, and is so hated by the US government, that he falls under the "Doesnt even exist" catigory.

Listne I am not very good at desribing movies, but if you like action movies, this is a must see. Watch and enjoy the power struggle

The Rock - With nik Cage, Sean Connery Ed Harris.. great movie!

Cory Petrie

Control is an illusion

hey guys,

So when we first started talking about control in class I thought I knew all about it.
I thought about minipulation, suduction and coercion.
I thought about when a parent trys to control their child. When a girlfriend trys to control a boyfriend (usually succeeding), but as the course went on I became aware that control doesnt exist, and that we are in constaint pursuit of something that can never be attand.
I started to look and see how in so many cases control was the desired outcome that would never be achieved.

Not a word of a lie, when I realized that control was an illusion, a quote from a movie I saw 10 years ago popped into my head. Now that i think about it, this is by far the best control quote I know of.

Dr. Claire Lewicki to Cole Trickel: "Control is an illusion, you infantile egomaniac. Nobody knows what's gonna happen next: not on a freeway, not in an airplane, not inside our own bodies and certainly not on a racetrack with 40 other infantile egomaniacs."

Days of Thunder - 1990, before Tom Cruz ego got to big lol.

Toughts on control?

Cory Petrie

Last question

This is my last question of the course:

Who has more power, the government or the richest men in the world?
I would say the richest men because they do what they want, they have monopolies and the government allows it and also they give them money before and after the elections.
What do you think Less?

Carlos Jimenez

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Influence people in 5minutes

This video explains us how to win friends in 5 minutes or less. He uses the methods of Dale Carnegie. He mentioned that you just need to do 9 steps before you act with a person and it will help you to win friends.

I personally agree with some of the steps, specially with the first step. (don´t complain)


Thursday, April 14, 2011

my favorites phrases

I have been looking for the most popular phrases about power. These are my favorites:

Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power. (Lao Tzu)

Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality. (Edgar Allan Poe)

The power of man has grown in every sphere, except over himself. (Winston Churchill)

Power is of two kinds. one is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment. (Mohandas Gandhi)

And my favorite one is: It is more agreeable to have power to give than receive. ( Winston Churchill)

Carlos Jimenez

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

the power of words

This is an advertisement that the actor Morgan Freeman made a couple of years ago, and it explains the power that a word could have. Sometimes they hurt us, sometimes makes us feel better but actually the purpose of this advertisement is to get freedom and demand justice.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Wheel of Power and Control

This is an interesting chart it is intended more for the ladies but all should look at the wheel of Power and Control.If either party in a relationship are experiencing any of these behaviors then its time to step back and take a good look at the situation and maybe change is in order.

Connie Ghattas
April 10,2011
I came across this article and thought it was interesting

© C.S. Clarke, Ph.D.

Connie Ghattas
April 10 2011

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Since I wasn't in class today I thought I would blog a few songs that I thought were power related. I have posted the links the songs on youtube, and feel that if you listen to these songs you may have a similar feeling...
Our Lady Peace - Innocent
Rage Against the Mechine - Born of A Broken Man
Rage Against the Mechine - Killing in the Name of
NickelBack- Leader of Men
System of the Down - Chop Suey

Cory Petrie

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mass Media influence on Today´s Society

I just found this video, it is made by a student and i found an interesting comment that made me think a lot of things.

Ever heard the quote,

"He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future."

- 1984 -- George Orwel

Carlos Jimenez

The art of war

I just found this video about the book the art of war, it is really interesting. It is chapter 8, it is one of the most interesting chapters for me.
(Variation in Tactics)

Carlos Jimenez

Monday, March 21, 2011

The first step..

Taylor M.

Contradictions with the world.


Watch it.

Taylor M.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Book – The Giver Author Lois Lowry

A controlled society
This book is a short novel that tells a story about a community that is control by the Giver. This man controls the society, so no one feels pain, hunger, hatred, or illness. He also controls certain needs and emotions. There is no prejudice for every one looks basically the same. He controls the family’s size by only allowing one girl and one boy per family and also who each one spouse will be, but the children are born by a birth mother and assigned to each family. Every one is studied closely and found a spot in society. If they could not be integrated into the society that was created and control so well they were released. With out giving the book away I will only say this The Giver and the controlled society doesn’t allow for choice. The people in this society have never experienced choice making or suffering and there for can not appreciate the true joy of life.
I have added the link for the overview of the book. This book is a keeper and is shared in the elementary libraries of schools every where and is implemented in the curriculum as well.
Connie Ghattas

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Secret Societies –Bilderberg Group

Do they really exits or not?

This is an interesting question to ask you’re self. Do you feel that there is a more powerful government out there than the one we all see in everyday media? Even though, their existence is denied by many and is in great controversy, as whether they really are a secret society that shapes the world around us or not . It is said the group came into existence in 1954 just after the World War II with the most powerful men and women in the world. These men and women started meeting in a luxurious Hotel called the Bilderberg of a small Dutch town. It is said that at these meetings they debated the future of the world and to date meet once every year somewhere in the world plotting the silent takeover of constitutional government everywhere, and also to exchange ideas and analyze international affairs. With the goal in mind of New World Government order. On the flip side some say that the reason they meet in secrecy every year is because they don’t want the media involved, All though they can be present they must never publish the meeting in whole or in part . They say it allows the men and women in power a chance to discuss world issues without having the media twist what was being exchanged and this is why the great secrecy. But just to mention a few things about the Bilderbergs it is said that they are going to control the population. By the water we drink, aspartame, Additives, and the Flu vaccine will be said to be voluntary but its actually mandatory. Take a look at some of the other devastation's in the world is there a link. How do they come up with the names such as SARS, or the N1 H1, AVIAN Flu, Like really maybe its just me but I always felt that the virus' and different things we encounter world wide are made at government level. I could very well be wrong and that is why I encourage everyone who reads this to research the secret societies that exist and come up with your own conclusion. If nothing else it’s really good reading.
Connie Ghattas
Mar 18 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Policing the G20

As we all or mostly know, during summer of 2010, Toronto played host to the G20 summit. More or less the leaders of the 20 most powerful economy's gathering behind closed doors. And we all know there were protests, we also know there was a police clash with the protesters, but... did the police use their 930 Million of the 1.1 billion dollar budget correctly though.

as the so called "Black Bloc" was running rampent through the streets, causing vandelisim and destruction, there was nearly no police presance, and the small ammount that there was were ordered to retreat. they had about 16,000 police men on hand that weekend. this same weekend after the "Black Bloc" had retreated into the masses of the crowd, the police turned on the rest of the protesters, the peaceful ones, in increasingly more violent and demeaning ways. That weekend we witnessed what can happen if police are given total control, we witnessed the fall of rights and freedoms, if only for a short time.

Dont believe me??

Watch This -

Glenn M.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

In Monday's class we talked about money. One thing after class that came into my head was Titanic (cliche I know but..oh well. Although it does not directly relate to money is does show the power dynamic between the upper and lower class and how much social control and power the rich had over the poor, as when getting off the ship, the rich were first, where the poor were almost forgotten. with our above average knowledge of power we can look at this movie in a whole different setting, while the power was always there..its interesting to look at it in a deeper level.

Sarah R

Monday, March 14, 2011

Facebook Group

Hey all, i made a Facebook group where i link documentaries about various people in power. for example, big bankers, government, police etc. its still pretty new, i only have about 4 documentaries on there right now but im looking into more, and will be adding some that i have watched in the past soon.

The group is called "This Is The World We Live In" and its public so you should be able to just search for it.

I hope you all enjoy

Glenn M.
Hi all!

A great power movie I would recommend would be "A few good men". starring Tom Cruise, Demi Moore, Jack Nicholson and Kevin Bacon.

This movie demonstrates the power struggles between the three lawyers and the conviction of a marine. hmm..How would you put a Marine behind bars?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The power of water

What can travel for miles and miles with no end and no start?
Causes destruction with everything it comes into contact with and has the ability to suck the life out of everything in its wake. It's Able to take control over every inch of being, every nook and cranny there is to find. It has the ability of finding the weakest of the weakest, and engulfs the vulnerable in a matter of minutes until there is no distinction between start and end. It has the influence of control and power, with no holds barred not caring if you are human, animal or structural. It has the ability to take control over all until all is blanketed by the power of its force.
By Connie Ghattas

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Panda Commercial (Marketing & Power)

I think this commercial was produced in Middle East, I am not pretty sure but it is about a cheese brand. This commercial shows us the power that someone (Panda Bear) can have over us.
Les, I think you are teaching Marketing, this commercial could help you to show to your students.
Here is the link:

Carlos Jimenez

Monday, February 28, 2011

Unlikely Movie :)


Beauty and the Beast; an unlikely movie to be asscoiating with a Power class. But if you give it a chance it will surprise you. It is full of power dynamics, from beginning to end, and it is fun to watch again and again...I get to watch it everyday, my daughter loves it.

Heather Mc.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

An interesting movie..

Hey everyone, just thought I would suggest a movie. Its called "Zeitgiest". It's a documentary about power, conspiracys, religion and money. This is not an easy movie to watch, its really low budget, somewhat long and drawn out but if you can watch it right through to the end it will change the way you think about many things. I've recommended it to a few friends and none of them have been dissappointed. I dont know much about the movie, although I've heard there is a series of them and I'm not sure which one I watched. Check it out.
Dave K.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


that is a link to a documentary called Outfoxed, It was done in 2004, it really shows the sort of influence fox news has over its viewers, and the control Rupert Murdoch (owner of fox) has over many media outlets. How he takes an active intrest in what "news" gets put on the air.

Have a look, let me know what you think

Glenn M.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Slides from Today

Hey all

Here are the slides from today - they are also on the WebCT
Hope you are enjoying the insights:)


The Movie -- The Road

When I left class when we watched that movie I thought a little bit about it. I struggled with the thought that the father had to keep going back to that memory of suicide. I could not imagine thinking that daily and, almost going through with it. Living in a world like that would be awful and very depressing. It would be hard to keep going and not stop. Thinking that there would be something more to the south, is the only thing that kept them going. The power within themselves is what kept them going during that time. I was cool to see how much power we really have in us to not quit. I wouldn't watch the movie again, but it was interesting to say the least.

This is my first blog yay ! :)

Danielle. H

Monday, February 14, 2011


hello ladies and Gens....

so for those of you who attended the movie night today this one is for you...

After I left class today i found myself asking myself a question...
"If I were in the exact same situation as was presented in the movie, what kind of person would I become?"
Would I be like the father, and hang on to the "good guy" role constantly questioning if suicide was the best option, or if dragging myself and my beloved son through the tortures of this life was going to be worth it in the end.
Would I take the easy way out like the man's wife, and commit suicide to end the troubled times for myself and leave my so called "loved ones" to fend for themselves.
Or would I become the "Bad guy" and do what it takes to win and survive and continue on another day.
Now if you ask yourself this question the quick answer is the obvious one. Be the good person and "do your best." But really? is that how you would do it? look into yourselves and really think about it. would you die for your opinion of yourself, or your so called "image?" or is society only civilized because FOR NOW we have the luxury of being so. when it comes down to it, and it becomes that cut throat world. do you take the quick and easy suicide? or do you fight for your survival holding on to what you believe is to be "right." or do you become the evil that we so quickly dismiss and survive off of others.

really ask yourself... what kind of person are you?

Cory Petrie

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Power of the Mind

I read something very interesting this morning:
"We are already well versed in the concept of thought manifestation or 'mind manifestation'. We are already well skilled at it. Looking at the physical things around you are not examples of obvious or redundant things. They are all examples of mind/thought manifestation. When you begin to view your mental abilities in this light, you will begin to realize that you are well advanced in mind power already."

If we look at everything around us, from our coffee cup to our computers, all of which we know (at least we're consciously aware of) were birthed in the mind. EVERYTHING (excluding nature) was manifested in the mind. This really got me thinking about the power of our mind, more so than usual. When I look around this room I see the mind at work in the physical form, from paint on drywall to carpet to cabinets to framing lumber to headphones to backup disk-drive, etc. I see great things outside of this room as well! Rocket-ships, robots, skyscrapers, brain surgeons, etc. All exhibiting product that extends from the mind to the physical form. What's scary to think about is the mind at work against other minds, blindly displayed in the inconspicuous form.

Lucas C.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

If Power is an Illusion

Hello There.
If power is an illusion, and we are all in control of our own thoughts, choices and decisions, then why are threats so effective? Is it because treats feed on our lack of the ablilty to control our emotions? Feeding on fear, and self preservation?
We have seen threats used throughout our entire lives. Our parents use them, the governments use them, our friends, teachers and leaders. on sports teams, in the car everywhere...

So if power is an illusion and threats are just the minipulation of emotions and we now "know" this: why to everytone of use, are they still effective? why do we still use them?


Cory Petrie

Monday, February 7, 2011

Supernatural Seduction

hey guys,
I found this two part video about seduction, with a twist.
What is it is one of those supernatural shows with the investigators trying to find ghosts. But in this case instead of being your average ghost, the "victims" are saying that they are being sexually aroused. Interesting.... check it out

Cory Petrie

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Art of War

Hey guys--

The history channel did a nice explanation of Sun Tzu's Art of War. The production goes through questions that explore several present day events, such as-- How the Nazi regime was so strong-- Why America would end up losing in Vietnam, etc. The summary constantly relates Sun Tzu's 2000 year old text to present day experiences, which ultimately puts these ancient words into perspective. Very interesting. Check it out!


Monday, January 31, 2011

Power Quotes

Here are some quotes that made me think a lot:

- “He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still”

- “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.”

- “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”

- “When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt”

Hopefully they will make you think too.
Kym Boivin

Islam Muslims are taking the control

The global culture has been increasing the last 20 years. Most of foreign people are from Middle East and South Asia, countries like India, Turkey, Pakistan, South Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Israel. They are dominating and taking the control of the world.
This is a video, it is very interesting.
We have been talking about population and power the last weeks.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Hi everyone

In relation to today's movie "The Experiment", I thought it was very interesting to see how even men who volunteer their time can become corrupt with power just simply because they were told to act like authoritative figures.

The movie however I know was based on an actual experiment called the "Stanford prison experiment", the experiment was i believe ended early due to the cruelty of the men portraying as guards.

Below is an article on the actual experiment, if anyone was interested you should check it out.


Power Part 1

Power Part 1
Power- In class this week we were discussing the definition of power, and how we felt one could attain power. Here are my thoughts on power.
I think that power is something that is within all of us; something that cannot be taken away or given to any one person. Power is the decision making process within all of us. It can be used to the most extreme measures or buried within to never show.
Power is often confused with authority, and leadership. Many people believe that if someone can tell a group of people what they have to do, or what has to be done, then that person has power. Some say that people are born with power; that some people are just natural born leaders, who take control in every situation, and are meant to hold a role of power. Some see this in others, and the others see this in themselves. Some people take on this role for themselves, and enjoy and thrive in this position. Others leave the role of a leader or authoritative figure for another.
I feel this to be incorrect. No one person has to listen to another. Every person has the right, and the obligation to themselves to make their own decisions and choose their own path. You cannot stop someone telling you what to do; however every person has the choice of whether to do what they’re told or do what they believe should be done. To do what one is told, and mindlessly go through life in a followers role is the voluntary forfeit of one’s own power.
Power is within us all. Power is not authority, ability, or strength. Power is what you make it out to be. Power is the thoughts that shape who we are, the decisions we make throughout our lives. Power is looking back and realizing mistakes we’ve made in the past. Power is changing our own mind, and not being influenced by others, pressure or the masses. Power is thinking ahead, and making decisions for the future. Power is to learn. Power is... Power is... Power is... Power is whatever you want it to be...

Cory Petrie

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Negative uses of Power

I follow Joe Rogan on Twitter and he posted a link to this video earlier today. This video definitely shows negative uses of power. Even though it is based more on an American system it still provides some food for thought. Please post anything that comes to mind when you watch this short video. Hopefully we can continue our talks from class here on this blog.
Heres the link,


Monday, January 17, 2011

Blue Pill

Finally watched the other 2 Matrix and still on my ok list. But i notice more of the power in the first one.
I also watched a 2012 the other night, kind of a ridiculous movie, but i still enjoy it and suggest it, especially because of the whole theory behind it and how it has everyone in a fuss. Either way... i wonder if im going to be the only one this semester blogging. Oh well.

Taylor M.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Red pill

I am deffinatly a first time "blogger" so this is going to be interesting..
I wasn't able to stay after class to watch the movie, which was the Matrix, so i dug through my piles of movies and realized that i had never seen any of them. So i've watched the first one so far and I, of many few, actually enjoyed this movie and will be watching the next 2 soon.
and yes i noticed all the control, seduction and influence throughout this movie, which is great for this course.. obviously.

Taylor M.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Here is a link for an interview of Gopi Krishna on his personal Kundalini experience. It is quite interesting. I hope there are others who are familiar with this topic here on this blog. Write back if you watch it.

Thanks, Navrattan