Sunday, May 3, 2009


Its been more than a week since we have finished the power course. I have seen how Power works and how there is always a need and someone with abilities. Its now clear I see mechanisms of Power working. Every has many views of Power some of it is OK and most of is wrong and Power is in the needs and abilities and its not information,knowledge or money they are just mechanisms.

All in all I love the whole topic of Power and what it brings and takes away and for sure when there is power trust is destroyed I have seen the effects of it and its true. I just wanted to blog maybe one last time because its the best way to express yourself and let many people read your stuff.

Jared just enjoying life and the whole Power dynamic

Saturday, April 25, 2009

What a class

Happy with Power Class

The semester has ended and I wish it could have gone forever but all good things come to a end. But looking at it I feel that this class helped me a lot and in terms of my performance as a human being I think I will make sure that from now on everything I do will be meaningful. I had been waiting for this class for almost a year and It knocked me out of my boots.

I think that everyone who has taken this class since the beginning this has the old Chinese saying that tells you that the only way to know your needs is to control yourself which in term is power. So I wish everyone the best of Luck and take care

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

And so It Comes to an End

I haven't been very active in the blogging, life has a way of getting in the way of things like that :)

But I'd like to reflect on something that I took away from this course that I thought was very valuable.

I remember one day Les saying something to the effect of "some people believe that we are born happy and then life gets in the way." It got me to thinking, when are you happiest? Isn't it always when you "get away" those times when you leave life and forget everything, just living in the single moment. Vacations, wild adventures, drunken nights. These aren't attempts to live life but attempts to escape it.

It's liek we all innately know that the lives with live drag us into misery and so we reward ourselves with a break.

So why do we do it in the first place?

It begins to give more credit to those spiritual orders that claim that materialism is the devil, the lives with live make us miserable.

This is all rather odd for me to say because I'm a fairly happy person, but I feel it. I feel life stressing me and messing with my head. Do I enjoy the rush and the spin and the crazy juggling act? Yes I do! It's exciting, but could this not be the same exciting as the excitement invoked by power. The bitter sweet emotion that lets us know that we're being wronged?

Have a great summer guys.

~Ryan Kirby

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Les Book


I was thinking of many ideas to make the book work when I was at home. In order for many people to know that Les book exists is to let people try out the book. One way is to give many people the book around the world as a ebook and all they have to do is email Les back and say if they Loved it or not.

Les can also have pod casts around and also have some slides in between the pod casts if its a video format. One thing I have noticed that some business people who write books do well is that they present in front of the Camera and talk about the book and what made them talk about the book. This is due to watching 1000s of videos on You Tube.

I know Les can teach many things and if he was to have pod casts on Law, International Law, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Corporate Social Responsibility and Power. If I knew how to do it all I would help him upload all the videos and use Veoh, YouTube, Meta Cafe and many more free resources for him to use. I also think that the color on the blog has to be the same as the one on the

When he talks in front of the camera or when he does the pod casts he can let people go to the website its there so it has to be used I think. By giving people the free book on the blog many people can read it and if they like it it spreads like a virus and hopefully many people like it enough and they will ask Les questions. With Les contacting the listeners if they have questions and he can answer them on the Pod casts.

I think that he can also put videos on the blogs making people who go to the website see the blog and they can put in stuff through using their emails so it will be separate and its like a forum now. He can talk about his passions in life. Music is big in the world and people love talking about it so since Les is a musician he can have pod casts with a intro of his music.

The only way for this idea to work is to believe that it can work and if I get time during the summer if Les is in Peterborough I can help him out a bit because culturally I think people have to know about power. I think the reason why some books do well especially books like the Art of War do well is that its about power but people need to know how Sun Tzu has abilities with power and how he uses Control Influence and Seduction.

These are some of the ideas for his book website and blog to do well. I saw one video on Seth Godin when he says the reason why some ideas do well is that people make a remark about it. The Power course is a remarkable idea. The simplest way to explain remarkable is that people mark a remark about. "Just something to think about".

By Jared

Thursday, April 9, 2009

If everyone had Power

I think this is one of the hardest questions we have ever had to answer so far in this course and its not surprising. If you think about it anyone can get power even if you think that you will have it forever it will end and someone will continue from where you left off. Wouldn't it be interesting if everyone had power because everyone will be equal your needs and my needs will be meant right.

But the problem is that everyone has different abilities of which they can use power on people. Give anyone Power and they will give you their true colors then you see the true person. Sometimes people are very nice without it but give it to them then they do things you never thought were imaginable. Needs and abilities and lastly choices if everyone had power what would happen to choices? This is a Hard question for sure but not hard to see why the world is the way it is. Because everyone has needs and someone wants to be better off than their neighbour so to think of it would everyone ever be equal I don't think so and if it happens I wont be there to see it.
Jared (Think about this question it could change your life in the way you approach it)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I agree with Jared. I really enjoyed all the songs presented on Tuesday. It was amazing to see the different types and genres of music, and how the same song did different things to different people. There were a lot of great songs that I went home and downloaded. :) Good Class!


Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Week 12 Class

I was happy that the music class was a success. I enjoyed every single song because it meant a lot to everyone. I think that music has this connection with humans that even though many people study hard to see what happens with our emotions its still hard to describe the emotional investment.

There are a lot of songs I love but looking at it the loves that are my favorite are worth a lot because they got me through rough times. Is anything besides love more powerful than music?


Monday, March 30, 2009


I think that although we can say that this class is interesting I think looking at what we have learnt and how it has impacted us that Power is a unique thing. Its always there for people to use and others to be used. I think that anyone can get power but it depends with our abilities to impact people's choices through Control,Influence and Seduction. By looking much deeper we are created to use it because if I have something that people want and need, I am the one who is Powerful.

To go much deeper I think maybe you should take five minutes to see the choices you have made in the past week and look if anyone was using power and what were your needs and which choices would you have taken. I think that some people have Power which needs to be unleashed but how will people take it. Looking at it many people aim for Power in many forms but Power is something that from now on is very hard to want when you see the subject's point of view.


Friday, March 27, 2009

Seduction: The Feminine Version of Warfare

So I took Jared's advice that he posted back in early February about visiting Robert Greene's site on seduction [] and took a look and read a speech by Robert Greene and got me thinking about seduction and it got to reframe somewhat on my idea of where seduction came from and what its purpose is. This is in specific regard to relationships.

Here's a quote from Greene's speech on seduction:

"Now, there are many things that differentiate us from the animal world, but for me one of the most significant differences is in the area of mating and reproduction. As you know, in the animal world, the female goes into heat at very distinct times of the year. And during this period the male and female of that species experience, undergo a kind of madness. They no longer concern themselves with getting food, hunting, or defending themselves. They become moody and violent. They engage in mating rituals that can actually be quite dangerous. And then, fortunately the female goes out of heat, this madness vanishes, and with it all desire or interest in sex, and the male and female return to their habits and routines. I say fortunately because if this period went on for much longer the animal would find it difficult to survive.

Now, as we all know, this is very different with humans. The female does not go into heat. And this has rather profound and drama consequences for us. What this means is that unlike with animals, for humans there is no division between sex and daily life, no period in the year, not even in the day, in which we are temporarily free from these desires. Instead, we are continually bombarded with sexual impulses, and these impulses and desires in humans are particularly strong, distracting and disruptive. Now, it may be hard for us to grasp this nowadays because we, or most of us at least, are civilized people, who early in childhood learned to control our natural drives, repress dangerous impulses. But for our primitive ancestors, this biological peculiarity of ours, namely that the female does not go into heat, presented a definite problem: how can you keep together any kind of group, tribe or clan, if there was anything like rampant promiscuity within your tribe? If the individual members of your group were constantly experiencing these sexual impulses and acting upon them, stirring up all kinds of antagonisms and conflicts and rivalries? In other words, if the madness that animals experience for only a few days in the years, were being experience day in and day out by the members of your tribe?

Well, fortunately for us, our primitive ancestors, over thousands of years, evolved a kind of solution to this dilemma. They created limits to human behavior, what we now call taboos. The first and primary taboo was that of incest: between a parent and a child, and then between a brother and a sister. Soon this was extended to the immediate relations, and then to the entire clan to which one belonged. And this expanded further and further, became more complicated until a point was reached in which a young man, for instance, could only have sexual relations with an extremely limited number of young girls within the tribe. And then, centuries later, came the institution of marriage and with it the taboo on adultery, thereby creating the ultimate restriction on sexual behavior, limiting you to one partner.

Now, all of this occurred over thousands of years and was unconscious on our part, but its purpose was clear. By creating this intricate network of sexual taboos, human sexual energy, which is so violent and disruptive, could be channeled into other activities—hunting, agriculture, the arts of civilization. If you could not dare have any sexual relations with 99% of the people you came in contact with, you quickly learned to repress these potent desires and sublimate this energy. This invention should not be underestimated..."

More on this topic later...


Thursday, March 26, 2009

AKA The Power of Positive Thinking

Article I Found...

You can attract anything into your life using your mind. The law of attraction says whatever you thought through out the day will hold its impact on your mind. Thought is so powerful that it converts into action and action into habit and habit into character and character into destiny.

How thoughts are formed? Thoughts are formed from sources of external world and internal interpretations and sources of good and bad. The thoughts formed from role models, leaders and people who created history and people who are successful and people who are celebrities.

The power of conscious thoughts will turn into unconscious and subconscious and they in turn drive us towards our goals, mission and destiny. For example, if one wants to become a Star/celebrity:

01. All his thoughts should be in selecting a role model
02. Adopting all role model’s qualities
03. How to think, act and become like his role model
04. Analyzing strengths , weaknesses and opportunities and threats (SWOT)
05. Thinking, acting and striving towards achieving the results.

This process applies to either good or bad thoughts, positive or negative thoughts. This is all depends on what type of people we are interacting with , what is our internal communication, what are our each and every thought , our self esteem and our peers, teachers , parents all will decide our thoughts , actions , habits and character .

Everything starts from a thought in our mind. Mind is the source which encourages us to do certain thing or not. To attract anything into our lives, we have to keep on thinking on the things we want most and repeating the thoughts until they become rock solid and act on them with full enthusiasm and make them real.

Careful study of thoughts, how they form and how we react to our thoughts and the impulses which influence us, the pause we take before we plunging into any unwanted acts which will affect us in the future will put us in right frame of mind and will always decide our destiny.

Listening to inner voice, thinking big and implementing all our thoughts in a disciplined manner will take us to new heights. So mind is the place which attracts everything into your life. All great people right from their childhood have thought towards their mission and destiny and their dogged determination, single minded focus , dedication, descipline helped them in reaching thier destiny.

It's the power of thought which is very important and crucial in our every day life.

...This article confirmed a few things for me, that Marketing and Power are one in the same thing and that's why some people have a negative outlook on Marketing. I guess figuring out how to get what you want is bad. I think it's awesome contrary to popular belief. I also just realized Les has never mentioned that he fully pursued any degree education that was called "Marketing", but he has studied Power for longer than I've been alive lol. (He took Sociology, religion and went to Law School I think for those of you that wonder what he did. Hence, Marketing & Power are essentially one in the same thing because their goals are to fulfill needs.

The other thing I confirmed is that The Law of Attraction is real, I used to pray so hard for things I wanted and once I prayed for them I would think "Since I prayed about it, it's going to come true" and I'd focus so hard on it that it'd come true. Like when I prayed back in highschool that the 4 most popular girls would end up having crushes on me at some point and they did, at some point as they all have confessed to me since. I subconsciously knew this, but I was too stunned to believe it actually worked.

Is that the purpose of Religion?



p.s. come to think of it, I read somewhere that prayer is like positive thinking if you think about it.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


This is probably up there with the most interesting thing we have learnt so far in Power. Information when do people use it and why do they use it and why you need it or not. I think that information creates many things that we do not consider.

Without Choice and need there is no Power we need to know what is going on with something and we have the choice to say no but our gut tells us that we need to know so that we do not live in suspense.

Power questions many things to which when you see it working it leaves traces of behind to which many people think that many people in the future will never know about something. Gosh this is a great class which makes you think so hard that of how Power works.

By Jared

Monday, March 23, 2009

So Far Gone...

I've started to realize somethings in my life as a result of this class that have helped me "take responsibility for my actions". Such an over-used saying, but I think most cliche sayings are called such because you can't express yourself better and as a result, they get used so much. This inevitably makes them lose their effectiveness over time despite their value.

Anyways, back on topic. Taking Responsibility For My Actions.

Before I talk about that, I just want to clarify what we've covered so far. If any of my peers feel I need to be correct me if I'm wrong, please do.

Kay..I really hope I don't confuse anyone with this we go...

Power is about choice. It is a tool you can use to either control, influence or seduce that choice. As

Les always says, when you think about Power, you should automatically think about Needs and Abilities. What I believe he means by this is that everybody is constantly trying to fulfill a need, a want, a desire.

As soon as we fulfill the said need, we look for ways to fulfill the next one. When we find someone or something that has the ability to fulfill our need, we are willing to fulfill their need to get what we want. Les also always says, whoever feels their need less in a power dynamic wins.

To Control is to have the ability to help or hinder a person in their quest to fulfill their need. This can affect the choices they make. (PUSH)

To Influence is to have the ability to show a person how they can fulfill their need. This can affect the choices they make. (POINT)

To Seduce is to have the ability to draw a person in by subtly displaying your ability to fulfill their need. This can affect the choices they make. (PULL)

With all this discussion of choices, this comes back to Radz taking responsibility for his actions. Everything that's going on in my life right now is a result of my choice to not act. To not actively be involved. Why? There was no need that I felt that I wanted to fulfill enough that would motivate me to get me out of my bed. And as a result of all my inaction, there is now a number of needs that I'm feeling very much that I need to fulfill. It all makes sense now why those who fail to plan, plan to fail lol.

On that note, I'd like to end with a quote about movtivation:

"Feeling un-motivated is what happens when you’re not really making conscious choices at all–you’re just responding mindlessly to various triggers in your environment, or operating on autopilot based on old habits and conditioned behavior."



Friday, March 20, 2009

Chess and Power

Looking at the game of chess and the power class I think that they are linked together. We have many things in class that are tied in the game that I feel are similar its interesting that when you put your thoughts together power is an interesting thing. I think comparing the pieces would be a challenging thing because which class is regarded the best and I think every class from the 1st week up to now I have been writing journals and thinking to myself wow Power is everywhere.
By Jared


I feel that power gives you many emotions that end up molding you into either a good person or a bad person. When you use it you know you are using it after taking this class. For me it feels bad makes me sad and sick I don't believe that power is good because I think that the subject is never in a win win situation. Gosh power is a sad experience? Or a great one.
By Jared

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

So far

This Class has been great so far and I think talking to fellow classmates we can all say that Power is an interesting Topic to talk about. We see how it works and how you can use it and looking at this class is so far the best class I have ever taken in my life.
By Jared

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Today was a great class to which I think maybe you can live without money. Think about it if you stay away from money and live of stuff around like fruits from trees around areas that will allow you pick them up. You can go and fish in some areas around the world that you do not need a fishing license. When everyone is growing up you have big dream to which you think about and they get funneled when you get older. When you have your first child you will have a different goal to which you had by being single. I think maybe you want to have $1000 000 when you are single but when you have a child and you look them up in their eyes and touch their hand even if you only have a $1 that happiness has no value to it. I think Love is very strong and painful to experience. When you get to have the chance to love someone and when you argue and end up hating that person because of how they acted and when that person cries in front of you its something messed up. Relationships I think that build on power I don't think you can ever have one without Power but what if you resist power in a relationship is it possible. Is Love a need or want?

Who knows

If we do not have any authority in our lives can we be still behave the way we want ?
By Jared

Fear a Catalyst

Looking at it is Fear the biggest problem why people do not use power. Think about it we do not want to hurt any one's feelings because we are good people but at the same time we hate it when people end up using power towards us. We hate being the subject but sometimes we love being the actor. Is power fair and which ever answer we would chose are we willing to live with what power has to give sadness happiness or can power be something we can never use?
By Jared

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Interesting Person
By Jared

Spiritual Power
By Jared

Thursday, March 12, 2009

By Jared

Great Person
By Jared

Song on Authority
By Jared

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I think that Authority is a funny thing that we think we hate but we have been molded to be apart of it by willing to do it without choosing to do anything to avoid it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Albert Einstein Quote

I saw this on the net and I think that it relates to what we were talking about.
To punish me for my contempt for authority, fate made me an authority myself.

Monday, March 2, 2009

What If?

One of these I was thinking that is it wrong to want power so that you can empower others in the process. For example I would want to start a company in Africa where it ends being a corporation. This corporation would look at going to poor areas and giving people employment. It would try to give people access to clean water, electricity and health care. With reducing poverty we can have people having ideas to which they can unleash their entrepreneurial ideas and make choices so that they can pave the way for people in the future. With this more people can aim to help people who suffer and that will make Africa richer not only in money but in spirit. Just something I was thinking about.
By Jared

Friday, February 27, 2009

Can Power ever fade away

After Mondays lecture I think we have seen what Power has done in our lives and I wonder if there are any people who think that Power can ever fade away.
By Jared

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Is Power a good thing or a bad thing?!

I agree with Adam...
And I think I have finally jumped off the fence! Power is a good thing!
It all makes sense after that last lecture!

Janna Cory

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Not spefically about power....Just something to think about

Below is a link that i saw a few years ago that really changed the way i thought about my life.

I believe it to be true and ever since i heard it, i have seen everything differently.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Is Power a Good Thing or a Bad Thing?

Power is a good thing. Without power nobody would ever need each other. Nobody would need to interact with anyone. Nobody would need to buy anything. Nobody would need anything. Power is life because life is need. Without power we would all die because we could not survive. Power is in a seed that is growing because the farmer needs the food that it will bear. Power is essential. Power gives opportunity, gives a meaning for survival, it gives a meaning for life. Power is need, but that is the essence of life. People live their entire lives devoted to religion because of a need to be something after they die. They are living for a need. Power is remarkable, it can be subtle, or it can be blunt. Power isn’t having a lot of money. Power is the need for someone else to want your money. Power isn’t knowing a lot of people. Power is having a lot of people that need you. Power is not in material things. Power is in having people that want to have those material things. Power is in being able to identify the needs of others and use that as leverage to gain what you need. Power a good thing because without it, nothing would have a meaning for existence or survival.
By Adam Haick

My passion

One of the things I have loved and worked hard for is cricket. I think that growing up it made me see that if you work hard for something you can be good at it. One of the players I admired was Shane Warne because he could win a match by himself and he was regarded one of the best spinners (which is a form of bowling in cricket). He could control a game by just talking and bowling at the same time. I think that's why I had decided to become a spinner because of him. But the unfortunate thing was that in his life he was caught with scandals that ruined his career. I think seduction was a major cause for this. But up to now many regard him as a legend of cricket. So do I.
By Jared

Saturday, February 21, 2009

George Lucas

I think Star Wars is the best thing that ever the movie industry and here is a quote I found on some website which deals with quotes of people who have contributed a lot in society. I think George lucas has and here is his Quote from

“You have to find something that you love enough to be able to take risks, jump over the hurdles and break through the brick walls that are always going to be placed in front of you. If you don't have that kind of feeling for what it is you are doing, you'll stop at the first giant hurdle.”
By Jared

Friday, February 20, 2009

Movies for Thought

I was thinking a lot about movies that revolve around power and I wanted to share some of my favourite movies for your thought. They are:

Requiem for a Dream - The hopes and dreams of four ambitious people are shattered when their drug addictions begin spiralling out of control.

Lord of War - An arms dealer confronts the morality of his work as he is being chased by an Interpol agent.

Batoru Rowaiaru (Battle Royale) – In the future, the Japanese government captures a class of ninth-grade students and forces them to kill each other under the revolutionary "Battle Royale" act.

Schindler’s List - Oskar Schindler uses Jews to start a factory in Poland during the war. He witnesses the horrors endured by the Jews, and starts to save them.

Boiler Room - A college dropout gets a job as a broker for a suburban investment firm, which puts him on the fast track to success, but the job might not be as legitimate as it sounds.

No Country for Old Men - Violence and mayhem ensue after a hunter stumbles upon some dead bodies, a stash of heroin and more than $2 million in cash near the Rio Grande.

RocknRolla - In London, a real-estate scam puts millions of pounds up for grabs, attracting some of the city's scrappiest tough guys and its more established underworld types, all of whom are looking to get rich quick. While the city's seasoned criminals vie for the cash, an unexpected player -- a drugged out rock 'n' roller presumed to be dead but very much alive -- has a multi-million dollar prize fall into his hands.

Hope you enjoy! Cheers,

Adrienne :)

Fidel Castro

As I have said before, the ever more sophisticated weapons piling up in the arsenals of the wealthiest and the mightiest can kill the illiterate, the ill, the poor and the hungry, but they cannot kill ignorance, illness, poverty or hunger.
By Jared

Muhammad Ali Quote

Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn't matter which color does the hating. It's just plain wrong.
By Jared

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Friedrich Nietzsche

Found this on wikipedia its really cool from someone who was considered great.

Even by virtue of my descent, I am granted an eye beyond all merely local, merely nationally conditioned perspectives; it is not difficult for me to be a "good European." On the other hand, I am perhaps more German than present-day Germans, mere citizens of the German Reich, could possibly be—I, the last anti-political German. And yet my ancestors were Polish noblemen: I have many racial instincts in my body from that source—who knows? [...] When I consider how often I am addressed as a Pole when I travel, even by Poles themselves, and how rarely I am taken for a German, it might seem that I have been merely externally sprinkled with what is German.
By Jared

Something Interesting

Evelyn Acoth Watta
The most powerful speech was made by Evelyn A. Watta, the young Kenyan delegate and one of only four women sports journalists in Kenya. She spoke of the courage and determination it took for her to break through as a sports journalist. Her editor and even her father at one stage advised her against it and she had to over come fierce opposition from her male colleagues, the male-dominated sports press in Kenya and from sports athletes and officials. She told of her most horrendous moment when she was accused of losing the home soccer team a vital match because she had to sit on the touchline and was seen as a distraction to the players!
By Jared

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Nice quotes

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.Margaret Mead quote
Ambition is like love, impatient both of delays and rivals.” Buddha quote
I have no particular talent. I am merely inquisitive.Albert Einstein quote
By Jared

The Best Verse

Matthew 22:34-40 TNIV

The Greatest Commandment
34 Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. 35 One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: 36 "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"
37 Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' [a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' [b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
By Jared

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The past

Growing up I had many things that I loved and those things were movies especially Kung Fu movies because they were fun and showed us a Asian culture. American movies still dominated but Asian movies had that something that gave us inspiration and discipline. I had that 36 chambers of the shalion as the best Kung Fu movie. I think that Fist of Fury was the best because Bruce lee was in it. He is one of the most influential actors who paved the way adn what Kung Fu movies mean to us. He pushed the boundaries. But looking at it there are many factors of control in these movies and they show us that you have to make sure that you free yourself and your mind to do the right thing.

Violence is not always the answer but making a choice to do something is. The best movie I have ever watched is Laagan which was a Movie based in India which was all about cricket, I think it has components of all three Control, Influence and Seduction. I know that Hollyhood is the biggest in terms of amount of quality movies but Bollyhood in India and Nollyhood in Nigeria are gaining audiences around the world lets see what happens by 2050.
By Jared :) Power (CIS)

February 17 2009

Great class, I think we are now getting to what we are going to find out by next week in week . Wrtiting the consideration sheet was a great exprience in a sense that while I was writing the words I could see how power was used in my life. CIS is what makes us who we are. You got to love this class because it makes you think in more ways than one. I think that blogging is created to influence people so many of us should do it because its for free. Can't wait for 23 Feb 2009 its going to be a wonderful day.
By Jared

Friday, February 13, 2009


Law 2

Never put too Much Trust in Friends, Learn how to use Enemies

Be wary of friends-they will betray you more quickly, for they are easily aroused to envy. They also become spoiled and tyrannical. But hire a former enemy and he will be more loyal than a friend, because he has more to prove. In fact, you have more to fear from friends than from enemies. If you have no enemies, find a way to make them.

I was reading the 48 laws of power and I think that this law is a very insightful one were it shows us what friendship means. By this I am talking about what happens when we have had friends in our lives. I'm sure there are many of us who have had friends and got betrayed by others to do the wrong thing then we ended up falling and doing the wrong thing. When they back stabbed up and used us.

But isn't strange that when we thought that the people who were our enemies ended up being our true friends isn't that the strangest thing you could ever experience. There is an example of the story of Michael the 3rd when assumed the throne of Byzantine Empire. He appointed someone who was his friend Basilius to be his head of the stables. To cut the story short Basilius kills Michael the 3rd and he had given the best life to Basilius. Shocking when you think about it.

By Jared

History Of Power

I feel that maybe power has not always been a good thing. One of the reasons why many people fight is that they have it in their minds what are they losing. I am taking International law and doing a group project on genocide. I think the reason why many people have fought is that they feel that they do not want to lose something valuable. The question of whats at stack and why do they want it. We hate been controlled more than anything but I think we love controlling people around us whether its direct or indirect.

Its part of life. Looking at genocide we have hated each other so much that we have killed each other over land and disputes. we need to think about what the future will bring to us. How may wars are we going to fight before we see that war is not the root to solving the problem. we need to make sure that one day we will compromise and make the right decisions(choice). But will that ever happen?

By Jared


Since Choice is such a big word there is one book I saw on the net and its called "The Paradox of Choice" By Barry Schwartz. I think that would be one book I would love to read when we get to what Power is and what choices can we make.
By Jared

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My thoughts

I have been "thinking" about a lot lately. I have seen talked and made effort to try to make people see that even when they "think" they have nothing they have everything. I "think" personally that this year that its going to be a good year. Its 2009 and you are now saying to yourself that you do not want to carry on reading what I have to say.You are like there have been record number of job cuts. But "think" about what this year will bring in your lives and what it has brought many people before you. It will make you appreciative of what you have. Even if you "think" to yourself you have more than you dream off. There are billions f people who want to experience what you have and be in the western world.

Many of them believe that they can come here and still live the best possible life. What we "think" is that our lives suck but I don't "think" so we all have the best life here. 1st world is very different from third world. People dream and save their entire life wanting to just be in 1st world countries. First world countries have something which many people have to go through and that's hardship. We feel that we all have to go through hardship and yes we all do. But look at the mirror and from there look around what you have in your place. You have food, clothing shelter. How many people want that.

Some parents save up so that their kids come to countries like Canada. If you compare and see what others have and what you have you live like kings. "Think" about it and please do because its important you see that you have the best possible life imaginable. if you "think" that you live in hell now "think" what people who survive on a dollar a day live in. "Appreciation" is what I want you to feel and during Christmas this year remember that word it will make you "think".
By Jared

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What do we desire?

Seduction Good or bad?

Looking at all the presentations I feel that I enjoyed them. I think that looking at it there are many things we desire. Looking at it I feel desire looks at what we want in life rather than what we need (Personal opinion) But does Power only happen when we need or want something?


We all want freedom but when we compare with others I feel that we are all free to express ourselves. There are many devices to express ourselves. Those devices include Youtube and Facebook for example. But maybe looking at Freedom is a cultural thing. I think the fact that you can walk and say what you want even about the government is Freedom. I feel that dressing and having different types of clothes is freedom. Freed of choice many people want to expreince what others have but when we look at it Freedom is all around us. Freedom is when you can go and vote. Freedom is what we have and thats what counts. Looking at Life we are all going to dwell on what we have and what we have been given and that was making choices and seeing we have chances of getting what ever we want. "Think about It"
By Jared

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Looking at life

I think what we have done in our lives is interesting for all of us. Looking at it we all have to see that we have used power to some extent to someone or some people. But if we all want it is good then. Because many people want but we can not all get it. Its so confusing now because I'm thinking to myself that maybe power is not a good thing if people kill each other for it. But thinking about it influence is a wonderful thing when used well, think of it we are influenced in many decisions we have made in life. We have relationships with our parents and loved ones. We have been influenced a lot but sometimes we feel that they were controlling us. Aren't we proud to always make the right choices, don't we feel good when we do good. Makes you think. Then there is seduction Robert Greene makes a point the reason why women used seduction well is that women did not have much and this is the only way they could express themselves. People do not realized that women in every culture have suffered that men so to say seduction is a bad thing is a complicated thing all together.
By Jared

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Looking at Les website I looked at the seven questions it made me think a lot. The first one was where do I start? when did Power start, and did humans start it or was it before humans were there. This first question looks at Absolute truth. Control is an illusion. It has another interesting and that it says The only thing we control is how we respond to the circumstance. So does Choice always have to be factor for someone to control you. Does that mean it can only be response driven? Yes because when we are being controlled we are reacting towards that which is controlling us. This section was looking at Feeling. The second question is what is the source of power? The source of power is in the need within the subject. I think that when you have power others like you will want it. If there is not need then power can not exist. The needs of ones self are experienced as requirements , desires and attachments. Needs are complex , compounding and competing. The third one What is the power dynamic? Power is about the control, influence or seduction of that choice. The actor has a need the subject can impact. I think this part looks at relationships. The actor sees the subject as a part of the circumstance they must respond to. To create Power the actor identifies the needs of the subject. The actor applies a mechanism of Power to help or hinder the satisfaction of the subjects need. The subject experiences feelings of Power- Control, Influence or seduction. The subject experiences feelings of motivation. FEAR ANGER OR EXCITEMENT and we have seen these three for the past two weeks to which we had a situation which occurred before class for us to use as reference. You can see what power is like and maybe it will open up your eyes and see that we have all been powerful in our lives but people have also had power over us. Just like the needs that create it, Power Dynamics are complex , compounding and competing. The subject responds with a choice. The fourth one What is my need? Identify your operating needs. All of them. Look to your feeling. Control, influence and seduction Fear, Anger and excitement. look to the mechanisms they are using. Is it directed at you or someone else? Does it help or hinder? Is it actual or potential? The fifth one Why are they using Power? This is because they have a need. All Power Dynamics are Bipolar. They are driven by two sets of needs. So, what is their need? State their need. State the whole Dynamic. State it out loud. The sixth What are my choices?. I can comply resist or withdraw. I have overcome. I have choices I can make a choice. I now have power. The last one Where do we go from here? Two questions which are hard to answer, my point of view is Can we both get what we want? Can we work together in open honesty? All in all I think that Les has a good case and can Power be good or bad. I love influence because it is the most incredible out of all of them. Many people Have died for it Lincoln, Kennedy, Ghandi and Lennon all because of influence. So then if I was to ask is Power a good thing????
By Jared


I was on Robert Greene website and he shows how seduction started and how people have used it. I thought it would pave the way for Tuesday's class here is the link. Some of the most renowned people have used seduction as a art form. Many of us around have been seduced without us knowing that we have been seduced. So does that mean Seduction is there to please your desires and everything you could ever think of or dream of having. Its going to be interesting in the future when we start applying what we have done in this class. When we start aiming to be powerful do we still want it. Can Power be controlled in such a way that we can all handle it. When we use things or tools to create power can we ever just be powerful without them. I think that looking at it Power takes us to a journey to which some of want and most do not. But some journeys are very stressful. I think that looking at it power has three elements to which you can be part of and that's control, influence and seduction.
By Jared

Friday, February 6, 2009


I was on this website and I think they use interesting concepts for how to be influential.
By Jared


Next week is going to be interesting and seduction is probably going to be a lot of fun. But today I was thinking is it possible to use all three and people know that you used all three towards them. Using Influence, Control and seduction. I think this would be an interesting debate. What happens to people when they use for good and what happens to people who use it for bad. Being good does not mean that everyone will like what you are doing especially if its mostly aiming for change. But only time will tell what power is and are we going to still want it or not.
By Jared

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Influence is the most powerful

Looking at today I was trying to see of the three is the most powerful and which leaves an effect on you. I was think of all the people around us and how they influence in any way and how it feels like. By just walking around the school you can see how people get influenced. Just take five minutes of your day look at your clothes and your taste in music you might remember how someone influenced you. Makes you think doesn't it?
By Jared

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Feb 3rd

This was a great class carrying on the topic of influence and how it plays in our hearts and how it has an impact on our lives. It was interesting how the class started with the music magazines, newspapers and with the class consideration sheet. Influence I guess is the most powerful and I saw why it is. We believe what people say to us. We can choose to resist control and say no to seduction but influence its another thing all together. I love this class and as the weeks go by I think Les just hits out of the park and everyone has interesting input. Next week is seduction and this will a great class because we have all been seduced to doing something we either wanted or did not want.

We have gone through 4 weeks and its been a great 4 weeks now we are left with 11 more of power I can't wait. But we are still going to be influenced for the rest of our lives, controlled and seduced as long as we have a grasp of power then I feel that we will make decisions that will take us to the next level. I think that people should express themselves that's how we can see how others feel and how power has played in their lives. Looking at it I think that this class has changed my life especially the movies when you put in Power into it. Thanks Les
By Jared


I think what separates many of us is that we have some people who believe in themselves and some who don't. Many people have big dreams and some small but in order for all of us to achieve it we have to first believe that we can.
By Jared

Monday, February 2, 2009

Feb 2 Class

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes..........................................................This is by far the best class I have had when talking about power. Its influence which is the role I like to play of which many people have played in my whole life. I think its bad and good at the same time. But you can not help what it can give you and what it can take from you. After watching Pump the Volume I feel that do we know who we are. I think I know who I am but many people have different views of who I am. I think I love this role influence influence influence This is my life goal towards people around the world I think I prefer doing this than taking control and seducing people. When we chose our Cd's, tool and book we all have been influenced by these ideas. I think that no matter what someone tells you, you need to think and pause and say to yourself is what I am hearing adding value in my life. If so then listen but if not still listen we can still influence even the people who we think hate us. We will always be hated by people loved by people but influence is the key to adopting and changing habits. I just loved the class. Who says that people are weird based on what? I think that we like to point fingers but when someone Else points them back we feel that they should not. I love Power and will always love it and I will be the way I am right now and I have been the way I am ever since and I will be the same when I leave this earth. All I am saying is that just think about what makes you happy and who influenced you. Make it your life goal to have a positive effect on people because its up to all of us to motivate people through thick and thin
By Jared

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Aung San Suu Kyi

I found this on the web from a powerful women and her Aung San Suu Kyi who is a activist for Burma and has suffered a lot from the government of Burma please if you get time go and see her profile on wikipedia it will really add value in your life
It is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it.
By Jared

Manhatama Gandhi

One of the most influential people that I grew up hearing about was Manhatama Gandhi. Here is his most powerful quote

"There are many causes that I am prepared to die for but no causes that I am prepared to kill for."
By Jared

Friday, January 30, 2009


The best quote ever

This is one of the best quotes I have ever come across in my whole entire life. Bruce Lee based a lot of teachings and what he learnt on this quote.

Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way round or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.

Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless - like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”

By Jared

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tao Te Ching

this is the best chapter I came across from Tao Te ching

The supreme good is like water,which nourishes all things without trying to.
It is content with the low places that people disdain.Thus it is like the Tao.

In dwelling, live close to the ground.
In thinking, keep to the simple.
In conflict, be fair and generous.
In governing, don't try to control.In work, do what you enjoy.
In family life, be completely present.

When you are content to be simply
yourselfand don't compare
or compete,everybody will respect you.
By Jared

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Great Class

Looking at how Les used the security guard it was cool how control took place. The class was great especially on the whole concept of control and how these three elements play a key role
Looking at it when we used all the words that made us have feeling because of what had happened was interesting. I think that maybe Power is something great if its used in the right way. The experiment was just a sick movie which made me angry and I saw many Power dynamics which were used in it.

One of the best books I have ever read is actually a graphic novel written by Alan Moore and drawn by Dave Gibbons its called Wacthmen and its going to be made into a movie in March. Its the best book I have ever read looking at how Power plays into account with Super Heroes. I love Comic books and I believe that everyone in their lives have loved some form of comic art or comic books. There is free comic book day in the first weekend of May and I think people should pick them up so that they can support the industry.
By Jared